I am the Carolyn Marvin Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School, Professor of Sociology (secondary appointment), and Director of the Center for Information Networks and Democracy (). Prior to joining Penn, I was a Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute (2008-2013). I completed my doctoral degree in Nuffield College (University of Oxford) and my undergraduate studies at the University of Barcelona. My research analyzes communication networks and how they shape exposure to political information, spanning empirical areas that include political engagement, protest participation, the coordination of information campaigns, and the consumption of news and political content. My articles have appeared in journals like Science, PNAS, Nature, Political Communication, the Journal of Communication, and Social Networks, among others. I am the author of Decoding the Social World (MIT Press, 2017) and co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication (OUP, 2020).
Here you can access my list of publications, an overview of my research, and my CV. For a list of the courses I teach, or students I worked with, go to teaching. For other research updates, go to the news page or access CIND's site.