- 2020, The Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication, co-edited with Brooke Foucault-Welles, Oxford University Press | [OUP site]
- 2017, Decoding the Social World. Data Science and the Unintended Consequences of Communication, MIT Press | [MIT site] | [Video]
- 2024. "The Diffusion and Reach of (Mis)Information on Facebook during the U.S. 2020 Election", with Lazer, D., Barberá, P., Godel, W., Allcott, H., Brown, T., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Freelon, D., Gentzkow, M., Guess, A.M., Iyengar, S., Mie Kim, Y., Malhotra, N., Moehler, D., Nyhan, B., Pan, J., Velasco Rivera, C., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Tromble, R., Wilkins, A., Wojcieszak, M., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Franco, A., Mason, W., Stroud, N., Tucker, J.A. Sociological Science, 11: 1124-1146. [article]
- 2024. "The Effects of Facebook and Instagram on the 2020 Election: A Deactivation Experiment", with Allcott, H., Gentzkow, M., Mason, W., Wilkins, A., Barberá, P., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Dimmery, D., Nait El Barj, H., Freelon, D., Guess, A.M., Iyengar, S., Mie Kim, Y., Lazer, D., Malhotra, N., Moehler, D., Nyhan, B., Pan, J., Paixao de Queiroz, A.C., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Tromble, R., Velasco Rivera, C., Wojcieszak, M., Zahedian, S., Franco, A., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Stroud, N., Tucker, J. A., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [article]
- 2024. "Quantifying gender disparities and bias online", with Horvát, E.-Á., Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Volume 29, Issue 1 [article] | [special issue]
- 2023. "The Puzzle of Misinformation: Exposure to Unreliable Information is Higher among the Better Informed", with Zhou, A., and Yang, T., New Media & Society [article] | [pre-print]
- 2023. "Asymmetric Ideological Segregation in Exposure to Political News on Facebook", with Lazer, D., Barberá, P., Zhang, M., Allcott, H., Brown, T., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Freelon, D., Gentzkow, M., Guess, A.M., Iyengar, S., Mie Kim, Y., Malhotra, N., Moehler, D., Nyhan, B., Pan, J., Velasco Rivera, C., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Tromble, R., Wilkins, A., Wojcieszak, M., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Franco, A., Mason, W., Stroud, N., Tucker, J.A., Science, 381(6656): 392-398. [article]
- 2023. "Like-Minded Sources on Facebook are Prevalent but not Polarizing", with Nyhan, B., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Wojcieszak, M., Barberá, P., Chen, A. Y., Allcott, H., Brown, T., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Freelon, D., Gentzkow, M., Guess, A.M., Lazer, D., Mie Kim, Y., Malhotra, N., Moehler, D., Pan, J., Velasco Rivera, C., Tromble, R., Wilkins, A., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Franco, A., Mason, W., Stroud, N., Tucker, J.A., Nature, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06297-w. [article]
- 2023. "Reshares on Social Media Amplify Political News but Do Not Detectably Affect Beliefs or Opinions", with Guess, A.M., Malhotra, N., Pan, J., Barberá, P., Allcott, H., Brown, T., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Dimmery, D., Freelon, D., Gentzkow, M., Kennedy, E., Mie Kim, Y., Lazer, D., Moehler, D., Nyhan, B., Velasco Rivera, C., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Tromble, R., Wilkins, A., Wojcieszak, M., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Franco, A., Mason, W., Stroud, N., Tucker, J.A, Science, 381(6656): 404-408. [article]
- 2023. "How Do Social Media Feed Algorithms Affect Attitudes and Behavior in an Election Campaign?", with Guess, A.M., Malhotra, N., Pan, J., Barberá, P., Allcott, H., Brown, T., Crespo-Tenorio, A., Dimmery, D., Freelon, D., Gentzkow, M., Kennedy, E., Mie Kim, Y., Lazer, D., Moehler, D., Nyhan, B., Velasco Rivera, C., Settle, J., Thorson, E., Tromble, R., Wilkins, A., Wojcieszak, M., Kiewiet de Jonge, C., Franco, A., Mason, W., Stroud, N., Tucker, J.A., Science, 381(6656): 398-404. [article]
- 2023. "Do Social Media undermine Social Cohesion? A Critical Review", with Lelkes, Y., Social Issues and Policy Review. [article]
- 2022. "The Advantage of the Right in Social Media News Sharing", with D’Andrea, V., Freelon, D., and De Domenico, M., PNAS Nexus, 1(3). [pre-print] [article]
- 2022. "The Blind Spots of Measuring Online News Exposure: A Comparison of Self-Reported and Observational Data in Nine Countries", with Xenos, M., Information, Communication & Society, forthcoming. [pre-print] [article]
- 2022. "The Gender Divide in Wikipedia: Quantifying and Assessing the Impact of Two Feminist Interventions", with Langrock, I., Journal of Communication. [pre-print] [article]
- 2021. "What Counts as a Weak Tie? A Comparison of Filtering Techniques to Analyze Co-Exposure Networks", with Mukerjee, S., Yang, T., and Stadler, G., Social Networks. [pre-print] [article]
- 2021. "Worlds of Agents: Five Benefits of Agent-Based Modeling for Communication Research", with Waldherr, A., and Hilbert, M., Communication Methods and Measures, [article].
- 2021 "Meaningful measures of human society in the twenty-first century", with Lazer, D., Hargittai, E., Freelon, D., Munger, K., Ognyanova, K., and Radford, J., Nature [article]
- 2021 "The Internet and Public Policy: Future Directions", with Margetts, H., Lehdonvirta, V., Hutchinson, J., Bright, J., Nash, V., and Sutcliffe, D., Policy & Internet. [article]
- 2021 "Bots are Less Central than Verified Accounts during Contentious Political Events", with De Domenico, M., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [article]
- 2020 "Exposure to News Grows less Fragmented with an Increase in Mobile Access”, with Yang, T., Majo-Vazquez, S., and Nielsen, R., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [article]
- 2020 "Computational social science: Obstacles and opportunities", with Lazer, D. M. J., A. Pentland, D. J. Watts, S. Aral, S. Athey, N. Contractor, D. Freelon, G. King, H. Margetts, A. Nelson, M. J. Salganik, M. Strohmaier, A. Vespignani and C. Wagner, Science 369(6507): 1060-1062. [article]
- 2019 "Computational Communication Science: A Methodological Catalyzer for a Maturing Discipline", with Hilbert, M., Barnett, G., Blumenstock, J., Contractor, N., Diesner, J., Frey, S., Lamberson, P.J., Pan, J., Peng, T.Q., Shen, C., Smaldino, P.E., van Atteveldt, W., Waldherr, A., Zhang, J., and Zhu, J. J. H., International Journal of Communication, 13: 3912-34. [article]
- 2018 "The Backbone Structure of Audience Networks: a New Approach to Comparing Online News Consumption across Countries", with Sílvia Majó-Vázquez and Rasmus K. Nielsen, Political Communication, 36(2): 227-240 [article] [pre-print]
- 2018 "Networks of Audience Overlap in the Consumption of Digital News", with Subhayan Mukerjee and Sílvia Majó-Vázquez, Journal of Communication, 68(1): 26-50 [pre-print] [article]
- Response to Webster and Taneja’s Response to “Networks of Audience Overlap in the Consumption of Digital News”, with Subhayan Mukerjee and Sílvia Majó-Vázquez, Journal of Communication, 68(3), E15-E18. [OUP]
- 2018 "The Contagion Effects of Repeated Activation in Social Networks", with Pablo Piedrahita, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, and Yamir Moreno, Social Networks, 54, 326-335 [arXiv] | [article]
- 2017 "Digital News Consumption and Copyright Intervention: Evidence from Spain Before and After the 2015 ‘Link Tax’”, with Sílvia Majó-Vázquez and Ana S. Cardenal, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | [article]
- 2016 "The Dynamics of Information-Driven Coordination Phenomena: a Transfer Entropy Analysis", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Nicola Perra, Bruno Gonçalves, Alex Arenas, Yamir Moreno, and Alessandro Vespignani, Science Advances, v. 2, n. 4 | [article]
- 2016 "Networked Discontent. The Anatomy of Protest Campaigns in Social Media", with Ning Wang, Social Networks, v. 44, pp. 95-104 | [article]
- 2015 "The Critical Periphery in the Growth of Social Protests", with Pablo Barberá, Ning Wang, Richard Bonneau, John Jost, Jonathan Nagler, and Josh Tucker, PLoS ONE, 10(11): e0143611. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143611 | [article] | [Monkey Cage]
- 2015 "Network Effects in the Academic Market: Mechanisms for Hiring and Placing Ph.D.s in Communication (2007-2014)", with Bo Mai and Jiaying Liu, Journal of Communication, v. 65, pp. 558–583 | [preprint] | [article]
- 2015 "Signals of Public Opinion in Online Communication: A Comparison of Methods and Data Sources", with Georgios Paltoglou, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, v. 659, pp. 95-107 | [preprint] | [article]
- 2014 "The Emergence of Roles in Large-Scale Networks of Communication", with Ning Wang and Javier Borge-Holthoefer, EPJ Data Science, 3:32 [article]
- 2014 "Assessing the Bias in Samples of Large Online Networks", with Ning Wang, Alejandro Rivero, Javier Borge-Holthoefer and Yamir Moreno, Social Networks, 38(1), 16-27 | [article]
- 2013 "Big Data and the Fabric of Human Geography", Dialogues in Human Geography,3(3), 292-296 | [article]
- 2013 "Diffusion Dynamics with Changing Network Composition", with Raquel A. Baños, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Ning Wang, and Yamir Moreno, Entropy (special issue Social Networks and Information Diffusion) | [article]
- 2013 "Social Science in the Era of Big Data", Policy & Internet, 5(2):147-160 | [pre-print] | [article]
- 2013 "Cascading Behaviour in Complex Socio-Technical Networks", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Raquel Baños, and Yamir Moreno, Journal of Complex Networks | [pre-print] | [article]
- 2013 "The Effects of Social Interactions on Fertility Decline in Nineteenth-Century France: An Agent-Based Simulation Experiment", with Tommy E. Murphy, Population Studies, 67(2):135-155 | [article] | [IGIER WP]
- 2013 "Broadcasters and Hidden Influentials in Online Protest Diffusion", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer and Yamir Moreno, American Behavioral Scientist, 57(7):943-965 |[article] | [pre-print]
- 2012 "Emotions, Public Opinion and U.S. Presidential Approval Rates: A 5 Year Analysis of Online Political Discussions", with Andreas Kaltenbrunner and Rafael E. Banchs, Human Communication Research, 38(2): 121-143 | [article]
- 2012 "Politics in the Boardroom: Corporate Pay, Networks and Recruitment of former Parliamentarians, Ministers and Civil Servants in Britain", with Will Jennings and Martin Lodge, Political Studies, 61(4) | [article]
- 2011 "The Dynamics of Protest Recruitment through an Online Network", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Alejandro Rivero and Yamir Moreno, Scientific Reports | [article]
- 2010 "The Structure of Political Discussion Networks: A Model for the Analysis of Online Deliberation" with Andreas Kaltenbrunner and Rafael E. Banchs, Journal of Information Technology, 25 (2): 230-243 [article]
- 2009 "Traps on the Web: the Impact of Economic Resources and Traditional News Media on Online Traffic Flow", Information, Communication and Society, 12 (8): 1140-1173 [article]
- 2009 "Opening the Black Box of Link Formation: Social Factors Underlying the Structure of the Web", Social Networks, 31(4): 271-280 [article]
- 2022 "Semantic and Cultural Networks" with Sarah Sugars, in Handbook of Social Network Analysis, 2nd Edition, edited by John McLevey, Peter Carrington, and John Scott, London: Sage, forthcoming.
- 2022 "Polarización y Medios de Comunicación en España" with Silvia Majó-Vázquez, in Economic Policy: Policy Insight, Barcelona: Centro de Economía Política Esade .
- 2022. "Protest Networks, Mobilization, and Resilience" with Isabelle Langrock in Social Networks and Social Resilience, edited by Emmanuel Lazega, Tom Snijders, Rafael Wittek, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers.
- 2021 "Información y Desinformación durante el Año de la Pandemia de la Covid-19 en España”, with Silvia Majó-Vázquez, in Informe sobre la Democracia en España, Madrid: Fundación Alternativas.
- 2020 "El Consumo de Noticias en Internet y en Redes Sociales en España”, with Silvia Majó-Vázquez, in Informe sobre la Democracia en España, Madrid: Fundación Alternativas.
- 2019 "Social Media Data: Quanitative Analysis", with Subhayan Mukerjee, in Atkinson, P. A. (ed) SAGE Research Methods Foundations, London: Sage.
- 2018 "Digital News and the Consumption of Political Information", with Silvia Majó-Vázquez, in Dutton, W.H. and Graham, M. (eds) Society and the Internet, 2nd Edition. Oxford: OUP.
- 2017 "Scale, Time and Activity Patterns: Advanced Methods for the Analysis of Online Networks", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer, in Fielding, N., Lee, R., and Blank, G. (eds). Handbook of Online Research Methods, Thousand Oaks: Sage | [SageOnline] | [SSRN preprint]
- 2016 "Semantic Networks and the Analysis of Public Opinion", with Sijia Yang, forthcoming in Victor, J.N., Lubell, M., and Montgomery, A.H. (eds). The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, Oxford: Oxford University Press. | [Oxford Handbooks Online]
- 2015 "Social Protest and New Media", International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, London: Elsevier
- 2015 "Automated Content Analysis of Online Political Communication", with Ross Petchler, forthcoming in Coleman, S. and Freelon, D. (eds) Handbook of Digital Politics, London: Edward Elgar | [SSRN preprint]
- 2014 "Online Networks and Bottom Up Politics", in Dutton, W.H. and Graham, M. (eds) Society and the Internet: How Information and Social Networks are Changing our Lives, Oxford: Oxford University Press | [SSRN preprint]
- 2014 "Online Networks and the Diffusion of Protest", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer and Yamir Moreno, forthcoming in Manzo, G. (ed) Analytical Sociology: Norms, Actions, and Networks, London: Wiley
- 2014 "The Spanish 'Indignados' Movement: Time Dynamics, Geographical Distribution, and Recruitment Mechanisms", with Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Alejandro Rivero and Yamir Moreno, forthcoming in Agarwal, N., Lim, M., and Wigand, R. (eds) Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media, NY: Springer
- 2020 Review of Frenemies: How Social Media Polarizes America, by Jaime E. Settle, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
- 2019 Review of Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age, by Matthew J. Salganik, Journal of Mathematical Sociology. [Review]
- 2015 Review of Networked. The New Social Operating System, by Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman, Information, Communication, & Society.
- 2014 Review of Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think, by Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Information Polity, 19 [IOS press]
- 2012 Review of Everything is Obvious* Once you Know the Answer by Duncan J. Watts, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas,v. 137, n. 1 [Spanish]
- 2008 Review of Network Power. The Social Dynamics of Globalization by David Singh Grewal, Primera Revista Latinoamericana de Libros, n. 6 [Spanish]
- 2006 Review of On Sociology by J.H. Goldthorpe and Social Mechanisms edited by P. Hedström and R.S. Swedberg, Papers. Revista de Sociología, n. 80 [Spanish]
- 2003 Review of Dynamic Social Network Modelling and Analysis: Workshop Summary and Papers edited by Ronald Breiger, Kathleen Carley and Philippa Pattison, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, v. 6, n. 4 [JASS]
- 2025 "Mark Zuckerberg’s Immoderate Proposal", TechPolicy.Press, with David Lazer, January 21.
- 2024 "The Need to Make Content Moderation Transparent", TechPolicy.Press, with David Lazer, December 11.
- 2018 "Want to Change Facebook? Don’t Delete your Account—Use it for Good", Quartz, with Ashley Gorham, April 4.
- 2017 "Even Imperfect Algorithms Can Improve the Criminal Justice System. A Way to Combat the Capricious and Biased Nature of Human Decisions", The New York Times, with Sam Corbett-Davies and Sharad Goel, December 20.
- 2016 "Could online ‘slacktivists’ actually help Making a Murderer’s Steven Avery?", The Conversation, January 11.
- 2015 "Why everyone in a network is important for movements – even the Slacktivists!", The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, November 30.
- 2013 "The Dynamics of Information Diffusion in the Turkish Protests", with Pablo Parberá, The Monkey Cage June 9
- 2013 "15M, ¿nos vemos en las redes?", Piedras de Papel, eldiario.es, May 14
- 2013 "From Chiapas to Tahrir: Networks and the Diffusion of Protest", World Politics Review, April 16
- 2012 "Where did the Revolution Go?", Al Jazeera English, April 6