The article “Networks of Audience Overlap in the Consumption of Digital News” is now published in the Journal of Communication.
Article: Contagion in Social Networks
The manuscript “The Contagion Effects of Repeated Activation in Social Networks” was accepted today for publication in the journal Social Networks. The article can be found here.
Article: Networks of Audience Overlap
The manuscript “Networks of Audience Overlap in the Consumption of Digital News” was accepted today for publication in the Journal of Communication. A pre-print version of the article can be found in the SSRN.
Article: the Effects of the “Link Tax” on News Consumption
The manuscript “Digital News Consumption and Copyright Intervention: Evidence from Spain before and after the 2015 ‘link tax'” was accepted today for publication in the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication.
Video: Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
Sandra gave a guest lecture today at the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, held at Princeton University.
Sílvia Majó-Vázquez Starts a New Position in Oxford
Visiting student Sílvia Majó-Vázquez (DiMeNet member from January to June 2015 and January to June 2016) started a new position as a Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford. Congratulations Sílvia!